Data localization scenario example

I have the Country table (containing Name and Code column) and I want to users can localize country names by themselves.

  1. On the Country entity > Actions select option Create Localization child entity...:

  2. In the next dialog select all fields, that you need to be translated and confirm OK:

  3. New Country_I10n entity, relationships and deployment scripts are created for you (as a child of Country). Confirm Yes.

    If you don’t like caption Country Localization generated in this new entity, change it (e.g. “Translation”).

  4. In the Country datastructure add Country_I10n as a child (New > Entity). Use the “_all” relation, if you want all languages can be added.
    Create the screen section (Country_I10n > Actions > Create Screen Section...) and select refLanguageId and Name to be shown in the form.
    Insert this new screen section into the Country screen as a child.

  5. Change LookupCountry datastructure used for selection of countries in forms to it will be localized:

  • Set IsLocalized=True in the lookup
  • Add the new child entity Country_l10n with AllFields=False and RelationType=LeftJoin.
  1. Now users can add translations for every Name in the list.
    In forms will be used data by user or application language settings.
    If no translation , original value is used.