Hosting HTML5 in Azure Docker

This article describes hosting of Origam HTML5 server on Docker/Azure stack.

The docker image can be found at: Docker Hub.

Creating new Web App with Docker.

On Azure portal click on “Create a resource” . Click on Web App.

Instance Details
Name → application name (serves as a part of url).
Publish → Docker Container.
Operation System → Linux

Options → Single Container
Image Source → Docker Hub
Access Type → Public
Image and Tag → origam/server:latest (or specific version origam/server:specific_version)

Click on create.

Docker instance automatically downloads model from git. Docker image is only HTML5 server without any settings. The settings are configured via Application settings in Azure (this substitutes appsettings.json, OrigamSettings.config).

Example for the application settings:

ExternalDomain_SetOnStart: 'url from App Service/Overview view'
gitBranch: 'fill if you need specific Branch'
gitPassword: 'password for git'
gitPullOnStart: 'true/false'
gitUrl: 'GitUrlToModel/model.git'
gitUsername: 'UserName'
OrigamSettings_DbHost: 'urlMysqlServer/urlPostgresServer'
OrigamSettings_DbPassword: 'password'
OrigamSettings_DbPort: 'port (1433)'
OrigamSettings_DbUsername: 'user'
OrigamSettings_ModelName: 'ModelName'
DatabaseName: 'DatabaseName'
OrigamSettings_SchemaExtensionGuid: 'Default package id'
OrigamSettings_SetOnStart: 'true/false'
DatabaseType: 'mssql/postgresql'

New features in setting docker images:

Set timezone for docker instance (i.e Europe/Prague)

Enable/disable this feature.(true/false)

Path to custom assets folder (i.e: /home/origam/HTML5/data/modelname/customAssets)
/home/origam/HTML5/data/ id path to directory where place model. ‘modelname’ is name of your root directory.

Set route to custom assets folder ( /customassets)

Route directory and filename of picture in lefttop corner. (/customAssets/logo-left.png)

route directory and filename of picture on ligin page. (/customAssets/login-logo.png)

gitConfPath, gitConfUsername, gitConfpassword, gitConfPullOnStart, gitConfBranch
Same as configure git for download model. In this time this is setting for setup specific template for configures for docker.

Can you please provide full list of available features? Thank you.