2015.7 wizard failed: Dataset is empty

  1. For test purpose I am starting a new project. Unfortunately I fails with the folowing message: Persistence provider not initialized. Dataset is empty. Project name was MyNewProject, nothing more changed from the default.
  2. Copy button on error message has strange behavior: Instead of copying the stacktrace it throws me an error that database login failed. What is the reason to connect the database here?
  • After I deleted older test databases and restarted Architect the MyNewProject was created properly.

    New Project Failed
    Persistence provider not initialized. Dataset is empty.

    Persistence provider not initialized. Dataset is empty.

    Stack trace

     at CZ.Advantages.Asap.DA.ObjectPersistence.Providers.AsapPersistenceProvider.CheckStatus()
     at CZ.Advantages.Asap.DA.ObjectPersistence.Providers.AsapPersistenceProvider.RetrieveInstance(Type type, Key primaryKey, Boolean useCache, IPersistent objectToRefresh, Boolean throwNotFoundException)
     at CZ.Advantages.Asap.DA.ObjectPersistence.Providers.AsapPersistenceProvider.RetrieveInstance(Type type, Key primaryKey)
     at CZ.Advantages.Asap.Workflow.DataServiceAgent.LoadData(DataStructureQuery query, DataSet data)
     at CZ.Advantages.Asap.Workflow.DataServiceAgent.Run()
     at CZ.Advantages.Asap.Workbench.Services.DeploymentService.LoadVersions()
     at CZ.Advantages.Asap.Workbench.Services.DeploymentService.IsEmptyDatabase()
     at AsapArchitect.frmMain._schema_SchemaLoaded(Object sender, EventArgs e)
     at System.EventHandler.Invoke(Object sender, EventArgs e)
     at CZ.Advantages.Asap.Workbench.Services.SchemaService.OnSchemaLoaded(EventArgs e)
     at CZ.Advantages.Asap.Workbench.Services.SchemaService.LoadSchema(Guid schemaExtensionId, Guid extraExtensionId, Boolean loadDocumentation, Boolean loadDeploymentScripts)
     at CZ.Advantages.Asap.Workbench.Services.SchemaService.LoadSchema(Guid schemaExtensionId, Boolean loadDocumentation, Boolean loadDeploymentScripts)
     at Origam.ProjectAutomation.ModelImportBuilder.Execute(Project project)
     at Origam.ProjectAutomation.ProjectBuilder.Create(Project project)
     at AsapArchitect.NewProjectWizard.pageReview_Commit(Object sender, WizardPageConfirmEventArgs e)

I got the same message 5. Oct. 2015 when I wanted to open new project. The stacktrace is the same but the last three rows are different, now I got

at CZ.Advantages.Asap.Workbench.Commands.LoadSelectedPackage.Run()
at CZ.Advantages.Asap.Workbench.Pads.ExtensionPad.OpenSelectedPackage()

If I want to copy using button there is a small diference - the message is still nonsense but different.

The reason for connecting to the database while copying error details is that these detail would contain information about the database. But that should normally work.

It is not clear what is the reason of your error but if you say that after cleaning up your databases everything works, then it must have been a wrong configuration/missing database.