Workflow Call Context Mapping

You can pass data between the caller and the called workflow by adding Context Mapping elements under the Workflow Call element.


Direction Specifies the direction of the mapping.
  • Input - The CallerContextStore data will be passed to the called workflow's TargetContextStore before the called workflow is started.

  • Output - After the called workflow finishes, the data from its TargetContextStore will be merged back to the CallerContextStore. The merge type depends on the OutputType of the task.

  • Return - After the called workflow finishes, the data from its TargetContextStore will be used as a return value of this task. So the CalledContextStore will be ignored and the data will be merged to the context specified by the OutputContext of the task itself. The EndRule (if any) will be executed on this data.

CallerContextStore The context of the caller (this) workflow.
XPath XPath expression, by which you can limit the values transferred to the called workflow (so the XPath will be executed for Input parameters on the CallerContextStore).
TargetContextStore The context store of the target (called) workflow.

Typically you will pass some contexts to the called workflow (Direction = Input) and you use one of the contexts of the called workflow for return values (Direction = Return), so the return value can be checked by the EndRule.