Deleting an only record in a lazily loaded Master-Detail-Detail screen ends in an error

When I delete the last master record in a lazily loaded screen, the DeleteObject service works well. Then GetData service is called and it throws an error that the parent record of a child is missing.

	"ClassName": "System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException",
	"Message": "Specified argument was out of the range of valid values.",
	"Data": null,
	"InnerException": null,
	"HelpURL": null,
	"StackTraceString": "   at Origam.ServerCommon.FormSessionStore.GetData(String childEntity, Object parentRecordId, Object rootRecordId) in D:\\a\\1\\s\\origam-source\\Origam.ServerCommon\\Session Stores\\FormSessionStore.cs:line 433\r\n   at Origam.ServerCore.ServerCoreUIService.GetData(GetDataInput input) in D:\\a\\1\\s\\origam-source\\Origam.ServerCore\\ServerCoreUIService.cs:line 424\r\n   at Origam.ServerCore.Controller.UIServiceController.<>c__DisplayClass17_0.<GetData>b__0() in D:\\a\\1\\s\\origam-source\\Origam.ServerCore\\Controller\\UIServiceController.cs:line 174\r\n   at Origam.ServerCore.Controller.AbstractController.RunWithErrorHandler(Func`1 func) in D:\\a\\1\\s\\origam-source\\Origam.ServerCore\\Controller\\AbstractController.cs:line 115",
	"RemoteStackTraceString": null,
	"RemoteStackIndex": 0,
	"ExceptionMethod": null,
	"HResult": -2146233086,
	"Source": "Origam.ServerCommon",
	"WatsonBuckets": null,
	"ParamName": "Parent record id 278932ca-fdd6-4d6e-90a3-0c0f7145d1f3 not found in PeriodicInvoiceItem - parent of RentalTransactionConsumable.",
	"ActualValue": null

What version are you using?

It is a bit older.


There has been a fix lately around this. Can you try the latest 2021.1?

It is fixed in version 2021.1.0.2134

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