Initial user not created, workflow definition not found

When your project has its first start you create first user. In recent version (2015.7.63) the user is not created. A workflow is missing.
See a screenshot

and log.
2015-10-01 15:54:50,318 [4040] FATAL OrigamServer [(null)] <> - Workflow definition not found.
Parameter name: workflowId
Actual value was 2bd4dbcc-d01e-4c5d-bedb-a4150dcefd54.
System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Workflow definition not found.
Parameter name: workflowId
Actual value was 2bd4dbcc-d01e-4c5d-bedb-a4150dcefd54.
at CZ.Advantages.Asap.Workflow.WorkflowServiceAgent.ExecuteWorkflow(Guid workflowId, Hashtable parameters)
at CZ.Advantages.Asap.Workflow.WorkflowServiceAgent.Run()
at CZ.Advantages.Asap.Workbench.Services.CoreServices.WorkflowService.ExecuteWorkflow(Guid workflowId, QueryParameterCollection parameters, String transactionId)
at Origam.Security.Identity.AbstractUserManager.CreateUser(String userName, String password, String firstName, String name, String email, String roleId, Boolean requestEmailConfirmation)
at Origam.Security.Identity.AbstractUserManager.CreateInitialUser(String userName, String password, String firstName, String name, String email)
at Origam.Server.Utils.LoginHelper.Setup(WebPage page, String action, String actionField, String nameField, String firstNameField, String emailField, String userNameField, String passwordField)

You need to be using the latest Root packages in your model. You probably did not upgrade the latest Root, Security and Root Menu in your model?

I have blank new installation of Architect. As for versions there is something strange. If I check ROOT package version in the Architect, it says 4.16. This version is presumed to be older.

New downloaded package is of There I checked attribute xs:element of name “ROOT”. But this package should be younger than the previous one, numbers do not say that.
<xs:element name=“ROOT” msdata:IsDataSet=“true” msdata:Locale="" msdata:EnforceConstraints=“False” msprop:ModelVersion=“” msprop:Id=“0f9daa67-4fe0-4ffb-9d8a-70204dc1ed78”>

Maybe I mix two version sets together.

You need to download the exact Root package that was delivered with your ORIGAM platform version, i.e. 2015.7.63.

The problem was caused by old template I used as a base for project. Thus, although all the packages and Architect were up to date I got this error.