Rule - Controlling access to fields in the same entity

I need to implement following rule. If column A is set as true, column B becomes mandatory field. On the other hand if column A is set as false, column B is not mandatory field anymore, its content should be emptied and it should become read only.

These are 2 separate problems:

Conditional Mandatory Field

This has to be solved by using a Validation Rule. That means:

  • Create a State Workflow for the desired entity (without specifying the entity field)
  • Under the state workflow add an event handler for RecordUpdated
  • Assign a sequential workflow which will, as a first step, load your record (by provided id) and assign an End Rule that will validate your record

Conditional Read Only Field

This needs to be solved using a Row Level Security Rule. You need to

  • Add a row level security rule under your entity field for Deny Write
  • Assign a Condition Rule that will return true when the field should be read only
  • Don’t forget to assign another row level security rule on the entity level for Allow Everything (on level e.g. 999).
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