2022.1 Email not generated for users with EmailConfirmed = false

There is message Pro aktivaci účtu prosím klikněte na potvrzovací link, který jsme Vám právě odeslali na e-mail. after login to Origam for users, who have set EmailConfirmed value to false in OrigamUser table. But the email is not submitted to SMTP server specified in appsettings.json. Password reset works well - email is submitted to SMTP server.
Version 2022.1.0.2637

This Email is sent when creating a user from web form. If you create an email from the portal by menu add user, then you have to click to confirm email.

So, if the user is already created and the EmailConfirmed is set to false , is it wrong configuration?

There is no e-mail sent out of the box. You would have to implement it yourself. In the future we plan to change the “Add user” workflow to send invitation e-mails.

You can update the current workflow to make it “true” automatically as always confirming the user just after creation does not make much sense. But it is optional and you have to change the model.

Open the Identity_CreateUser_GUI in your own package and add emailConfirmed parameter with _true constant in it.