Apache Cordova - Advantages/disadvantages?

Hi everybody,
I need make several simple dedicated client screens (e.g. one big dropbox, one input and a button - e.g. on a tablet with desktop windows), connected to Origam API.
What is your opinion or experience with Apache Cordova?
Do you think it is suitable for such use-cases?

//What I finally expect is to have a standard way for making simple client screens running on Windows AND non-Windows based special hardware including mobile phones.

Hi Tomas,
we tried to develop application in Apache Cordova with VisualStudio 2015 Community and it works pretty well. I think it is good cross platform mobile development tool, if you need easy application with several screens and don’t need a lot of performance inside. There are a lot of UIs you can use - App Framework, jQueryMobile, Ionic, etc.

Another option is to use Xamarin developer platform, which is part of Visual Studio as well. But you need C# knowledge.

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