After doing changes to an element in an editor window and saving them, the tree in the model browser is sometimes moved so that the parent of the saved item is aligned as the lowest visible element. The edited item itself is not visible in the view.
@tvavrda This behavior is intentional. Do we want to change it?
I think this was mainly important for the use case when e.g. a new entity is being created and the user wants to basically be parked on the entity while adding fields to it. Or maybe there was even another case but I cannot remember it.
So I think these are colliding use cases.
@tvavrda so should we close this issue?
Yes, this has a reason for the following use case:
- You create an entity and save it (current node is the entity)
- You go on and add a field (child of the entity) using a toolbar button
- The current node is again the entity, not the new field
- You can go on and add another field
@zcapkova do you have another use case that this collides with?
Not really another use case, but it is not comfortable for work with large packages. I don’t need the focus on a field, but if it could focus on e.g. the entity or workflow instead of the package, it would be nice.