I was trying to …
- I have simple workflow where I call simple HTTP GET Request, i.e. https://community.origam.com
- I try to execute workflow in Architect using Execute button to get immediate results while developing the solution.
I was expecting …
HTTP Request will be send and I get HTTP result.
Instead I’ve got …
Exception in architect that provider is null:
Parameter name: provider
Workflow stack trace
Step: 'TEST:GET_Issues/Issues'
ion: Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: provider ---> System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: provider
at Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceProviderServiceExtensions.GetService[T](IServiceProvider provider)
at Origam.HttpTools.GetResponse(String url, String method, String content, String contentType, Hashtable headers, String authenticationType, String userName, String password, Nullable`1 timeoutMs, CookieCollection cookies, Boolean ignoreHTTPSErrors)
at Origam.HttpTools.SendRequest(String url, String method, String content, String contentType, Hashtable headers, String authenticationType, String userName, String password, Boolean returnAsStream, Nullable`1 timeout)
at Origam.HttpTools.SendRequest(String url, String method, String content, String contentType, Hashtable headers, Nullable`1 timeout)
at Origam.Workflow.HttpServiceAgent.Run()
at Origam.Workflow.Tasks.ServiceMethodCallEngineTask.OnExecute()
at Origam.Workflow.ProfilingTools.<>c__DisplayClass4_0.<ExecuteAndLogDuration>g__FuncToExecute|0()
at Origam.Workflow.ProfilingTools.ExecuteAndLogDuration(Func`1 funcToExecute, String logEntryType, String path, String id, Func`1 logOnlyIf)
at Origam.Workflow.Tasks.AbstractWorkflowEngineTask.MeasuredExecution()
at Origam.Workflow.Tasks.ServiceMethodCallEngineTask.Execute()
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
I checked the code and see that there is a call of serviceProvider
. I have also found this issue Scheduler: WF with http request step ends with error - #2 by JiriPrajz so I can see that there were some changes regarding HttpRequest calls.
It looks like to me that from architect there could be some dependency injection missing.
Call from HTML5 client works without any problems.