Architect - Dependencies aren't deleted when moving task into a transaction block

Workflow tasks can be moved or copied within a workflow. If a task is moved into a transaction block, the dependencies on tasks outside the block are left in the code and the action fails.

Chyba pøi ukládání dat formuláøe '03_Transform_WQ_TransactionReportRequest_CreateAttachment'
The given key was not present in the dictionary.
The given key was not present in the dictionary.
 Stack trace
   at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowKeyNotFoundException()
   at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.get_Item(TKey key)
   at Origam.Workbench.Diagram.WorkFlowDiagramFactory.AddToSubgraph(IWorkflowBlock workFlowBlock, Subgraph subgraph)
   at Origam.Workbench.Diagram.WorkFlowDiagramFactory.AddToSubgraph(IWorkflowBlock workFlowBlock, Subgraph subgraph)
   at Origam.Workbench.Diagram.WorkFlowDiagramFactory.Draw(IWorkflowBlock graphParent, List`1 expandedSubgraphNodeIds)
   at Origam.Workbench.Diagram.InternalEditor.WorkFlowDiagramEditor.ReDraw()
   at Origam.Workbench.Diagram.InternalEditor.WorkFlowDiagramEditor.ReDrawAndKeepFocus()
   at Origam.Workbench.Diagram.InternalEditor.WorkFlowDiagramEditor.UpdateNodeOf(AbstractSchemaItem persistedSchemaItem)
   at Origam.Workbench.Diagram.InternalEditor.WorkFlowDiagramEditor.OnInstancePersisted(Object sender, IPersistent persistedObject)
   at System.EventHandler`1.Invoke(Object sender, TEventArgs e)
   at Origam.DA.ObjectPersistence.AbstractPersistenceProvider.EndTransaction()
   at Origam.Workbench.Editors.AbstractEditor.SaveObject()
   at Origam.Workbench.Commands.SaveContent.Run()


Model Tree

It won’t be possible to move a workflow step that has a dependency into a workflow block.

Model Validation

It is required to check dependencies inside workflow if they are not cross referencing.

Workflow Diagram Editor

It needs to be resistant to dependency errors. When moving a node that has a dependency into a workflow block, the dependency should be removed and the the step will added to the end of the workflow block.

Workflow nodes cannot be moved in the diagram so the third point is not an issues.

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