Client build seems to be getting big

Analyze client size

File sizes after gzip:

1.24 MB (+1.04 MB) build\static\js\main.6607d27a.chunk.js
969.85 KB (+129.53 KB) build\static\js\2.243cc103.chunk.js
17.13 KB (+1.93 KB) build\static\css\2.695a6fae.chunk.css
12.36 KB (-2.34 KB) build\static\css\main.038b5a0e.chunk.css
784 B build\static\js\runtime-main.1679aaee.js

The bundle size is significantly larger than recommended.
Consider reducing it with code splitting: create-react-app/ at main · facebook/create-react-app · GitHub
You can also analyze the project dependencies: create-react-app/ at main · facebook/create-react-app · GitHub


The size warning is not present in output of yarn build any more. Not sure what caused it the fitst time.