Client Script

This element defines a script to be executed in the client application when the result of the action is delivered. Scripts are recommended for use with the action of type Workflow.


Features Required features to make script valid.
Roles Required roles to make script valid.
Rule Required rule to make script valid.
Order If there are more scripts to be executed their order or execution is decided by the order number attributed to it. The lower the number, the higher priority the script is given.
Script Script to be executed.

Script to Select a TabControl

Using Script To Select a TabControl

getPanel('{tab container model instance id}').switchToPanel('{tab control model instance id}')

Script to Select Different View in a ScreenSection

Using Script to Select Different View in a ScreenSection

getPanel('{screen section model instance id}').showView({view id},{focus})

showView arguments

Argument Description
view id

Number representing selected view. Possible values:

0 - Detail

1 - Grid

2 - Calendar

3 - Pipeline

4 - Charts

5 - Map


It specifies, whether the application should focus in the selected view. Possible values:

true - The application will focus the selected view.

false - The application will not focus the selected view.


Using Script to Select Different View in a ScreenSection

getPanel('{screen section model instance id}').focusFormViewControl({column name})

If form view is not active, control won’t be focused.