Documentation Features
Fully Automated Documentation
Save time writing hundreds of pages of product technical documentation never getting it synchronized with the latest version.
ORIGAM’s documentation provides an interactive always up-to-date documentation of the working system.
Customer Specific
For the first time you can have a single document containing both standard and customer specific functionaity. In case you have a standard product which you customize for every customer (e.g. add custom fields, menu items, business logic) the documentation will blend all the features into a unified document.
Main documentation page
Screen to Data
Browse the application’s menu and see how fields are connected to the database. This will help you debugging data and when creating custom database queries.
Screen documentation can be also given to end users to see complete screen information. Each screen can additionally contain a free formatted text with screen description.
Screen documentation
Accelerate development with an automated API documentation. By providing examples you can let the HTML developer (or anybody connecting to your API’s) directly try out your API calls.
Nothing helps more then visuals. ORIGAM documentation will automatically provide several diagram types. Diagrams are interactive and contain links to other parts of documentation.