Executing WorkQueue Commands from API

You can call work queue commands by sending a POST http request to this end point:


Where QueueCode is content of the Code field on the screen Settings -> General -> Work Queues , The CommandName is content of the field Text on the same screen. The workQueueEntryId is id of the work queue entry to send to the command as a parameter. You can find the id on the screen Work Queue -> "the work queue". Here you can select the entry you are interested in and then select “Show Record Information” from the three dot menu on the right hand side of the grid header.


Access rights to the work queue using the API can be set on the screen Settings -> General -> Work Queues by changing value of the API Access Roles. If you set it to * anybody will be able to call commands on the work queue, not even login will be required.
If on the other hand you specify some role the endpoint will have to be accessed with a valid access token in the request header. This is the access token you will get after login. The access will then be granted or refused based on the roles you have.