Export to Excel - vb script corrupted

I am still having problem while exporting data to excel data sheet where there is already some vb script in excel. When I export data to data sheet and open excel the vb script is completely ruined and not funcional, actually it is not there at all.

I experience this behaviour since 2015.4 version through till 2015.7.72. I still did not try the newest. Is it repaired in newer versions?

Are you trying it from Architect or from the web application? Until 2015.11 Architect had an old version of NPOI which was ruining scripts in Excel. It only worked from the web app. From 2015.11 it should work everywhere the same.

I was always trying it in web client only.

What is the version of NPOI.DLL in your bin folder?

It is NPOI.DLL version

You mean version

Yes, you are right.

@koki @corella you have this working – how did you make it possible that the VB macros stay unchanged after populating the Excel sheet with data?

We had same issue as @greencube. It was fixed by @tvavrda, when NPOI version was upgraded. I think the version should be

Thanks, it is working now, wiht version of NPOI.dll. Apparentally when upgrade was done to 2015.7 version it has not been done correctly. I did it again and it is working now.