Filtering a screen by an array field doesn't work

I have a screen that has a model dialog connected to a list data structure filter. This filter is ignored if null. When the model dialog is left empty, all records are loaded. But if I afterwards want to filter the screen by the array field, it ends with errors in the GetAggregations and GetRows calls.

  "MenuId": "38ec9ba4-a245-4651-a562-b942f08ae02e",
  "SessionFormIdentifier": "08086e36-eb70-4ef1-a551-c8ac494dc5e3",
  "DataStructureEntityId": "c60f8248-2f6e-4d94-8602-b4d7bd1de3cf",
  "Filter": "[\"Betreuungstypen\", \"in\", [\"1829ad0b-23f7-410b-8307-f364faf93316\"]]",
  "AggregatedColumns": [
      "ColumnName": "Id",
      "AggregationType": "COUNT"
The multi-part identifier \"EinrichtungBetreuungstyp_filter.refEinrichtungId\" could not be bound.
The multi-part identifier \"EinrichtungBetreuungstyp_filter.refBetreuungstypId\" could not be bound.

build 2021.1.0.2284

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What does exactly mean “two-part lookup”?

The list value shows two fields.

The problem was in an entity being twice in the data structure - one as a normal entity used to get data and the second as a filter for the model dialog, set as RelationType=FilterParent and AllFields=False. The filter on the screen wanted to get the values from the filtering entity. Removing the modal dialog, filter and filtering entity solved the issue.

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