OrigamArchitect => I cannot connect to model now in Visual Studio

I was trying to …

  1. I updated my code base of Origam to current master (but I experience the same problem in latest versions of 2022.2 as well).
  2. I open the origam solution file (Origam.sln).
  3. I try to run OrigamArchitect through Visual Studio

I was expecting …

  1. OrigamArchitect would start
  2. Origam Architect would connect to my solution
  3. OrigamArchitect looks different (desktop client?)

Instead I’ve got …

  1. OrigamArchitect starts
  2. OrigamArchitect returns exception while opening the solution:

Loading Model
Shema: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 could not be found
Shema: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 could not be found
 Stack trace
   v Origam.Workbench.Services.FilePersistenceService.LoadSchema(Guid schemaExtensionId) v C:\Users\david.pochobradsky\Workspace\00_Origam\_origam\backend\Origam.Workbench.Services\FilePersistenceService.cs:řádek 196
   v Origam.Workbench.Services.FilePersistenceService.LoadSchema(Guid schemaExtensionId, Guid extraExtensionId, Boolean loadDocumentation, Boolean loadDeploymentScripts, String transactionId) v C:\Users\david.pochobradsky\Workspace\00_Origam\_origam\backend\Origam.Workbench.Services\FilePersistenceService.cs:řádek 205
   v Origam.Workbench.Services.SchemaService.LoadSchema(Guid schemaExtensionId, Guid extraExtensionId, Boolean loadDocumentation, Boolean loadDeploymentScripts) v C:\Users\david.pochobradsky\Workspace\00_Origam\_origam\backend\Origam.Workbench.Services\SchemaService.cs:řádek 319
   v OrigamArchitect.frmMain.Connect(String configurationName) v C:\Users\david.pochobradsky\Workspace\00_Origam\_origam\backend\OrigamArchitect\ArchitectWorkbench.cs:řádek 1497

====== ORIGAM System Information
Local Time: 2022-09-16T12:43:40.8290838+02:00
XSLT Date: 2022-09-16T00:00:00.0000000+02:00

Model Repository Information
Model Format Version: 5.0.0

Loaded Packages (Model Version/Deployed Version)
Model not loaded.

Activated Features
Model not loaded.

Computer Information
Current Directory: C:\Users\david.pochobradsky\Workspace\00_Origam\_origam\backend\OrigamArchitect\bin\Debug
Machine Name: LAPTOP-AEH5AV8H
OS Version: Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0
Product Version:
CLR Version: 4.0.30319.42000
System.data.dll Version: 4.8.4536.0 built by: NET48REL1LAST_C
Current Culture: Czech (Czechia)
Current Input Language: České
Memory Working Set: 123244544
System Directory: C:\WINDOWS\system32
Executable Path: C:\Users\david.pochobradsky\Workspace\00_Origam\_origam\backend\OrigamArchitect\bin\Debug\OrigamArchitect.exe
Application Data Path: C:\Users\david.pochobradsky\AppData\Roaming
Startup Path: C:\Users\david.pochobradsky\Workspace\00_Origam\_origam\backend\OrigamArchitect\bin\Debug

Authentication Information
Identity Name: LAPTOP-AEH5AV8H\david.pochobradsky
Identity Authentication Type: NTLM
Profile Provider: Origam.Security.OrigamProfileProvider
The following exception occured while loading current user's profile: 
Nebylo možné načíst profil uživatele.

1. Byli jste odhlášeni po dlouhé neaktivitě - zkuste se znovu přihlásit.
2. V systému není přiřazen uživatelský účet - kontaktujte administrátora.

Role Information
Authorization Provider: Origam.Security.OrigamDatabaseAuthorizationProvider

Resource Management Information
Could not get resource information. The following error occured:
Odkaz na objekt není nastaven na instanci objektu.

====== Service Information
Model is not loaded. Services are not available.

Further investigations

  1. I edited OrigamSettings.config file and input package id instead of original
  1. I can run OrigamArchitect, but I cannot see model structure but the menu looks like Desktop Client to Origam:

Am I missing something in configuration or how can I switch into development mode? I use it to debug when I cannot achieve something during modeling the solution.

Looks like your Visual Studio configuration is Debug Client, it should be Debug Architect. This is a desktop client app.

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Did it help? Can we close the issue?

Yes, it works! Perfect! I tested it immediatelly and I thought I had replied. Thank you for reminder. I didn’t notice the specific configuration. Thank you.

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