We found bug in HttpTools library.
When response header contains Set-Cookie header, method tries to parse content. In code, there is function split(',')
to split string into more cookies (they can be divided by ,
according to recommendation. But cookie can contain parameter expires
with date value. This date can be for example Tue, 5-1-2017 14:28:00
. In this case, split function breaks cookie parsing and thus raises above error.
Stack trace:
at System.Net.Cookie.set_Name(String value)
at System.Net.Cookie..ctor(String name, String value)
at CZ.Advantages.Asap.HttpTools.FixCookies(HttpWebRequest request, HttpWebResponse response)
at CZ.Advantages.Asap.HttpTools.GetResponse(String url, String method, String content, String contentType, Hashtable headers, String authenticationType, String userName, String password, Nullable`1 timeoutMs, CookieCollection cookies, Boolean ignoreHTTPSErrors)
at CZ.Advantages.Asap.HttpTools.SendRequest(String url, String method, String content, String contentType, Hashtable headers, String authenticationType, String userName, String password, Boolean returnAsStream)
at CZ.Advantages.Asap.Rule.RuleEngine.HttpRequest(String url, String method, String content, String contentType, XPathNavigator headers, String authenticationType, String userName, String password)
at CZ.Advantages.Asap.Rule.RuleEngine.HttpRequest(String url, String method, String content, String contentType, XPathNavigator headers)
The 'Name'=' 29-Dec-2017 17:46:31 GMT; Max-Age' part of the cookie is invalid.
The 'Name'=' 29-Dec-2017 17:46:31 GMT; Max-Age' part of the cookie is invalid.
Transformation result invalid.
Function 'AS:HttpRequest()' has failed.
Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
The 'Name'=' 29-Dec-2017 17:46:31 GMT; Max-Age' part of the cookie is invalid.