Plugin build sometimes fails

Origam front end build with a plugin included sometimes fails with this message:

#0 94.89 Expected ")" but found "class"
#0 94.89 28 |  import { ILocalizer } from "plugins/interfaces/ILocalizer";
#0 94.89 29 |  import { IScreenPluginData } from "plugins/interfaces/IScreenPluginData";
#0 94.89 30 |  export let AbstractScreenPlugin = (_class = abstract class AbstractScreenPlugin implements IScreenPlugin {
#0 94.89    |                                                       ^
#0 94.89 31 |    constructor() {
#0 94.89 32 |      this.$type_IScreenPlugin = 1;
#0 94.89

There is an unsolved issue on github concerning this:

The VITE team could not reproduce it so it will not be fixed.