Release Notes 2025.1

Version 2025.1 includes several fixes and UX improvements. There are no metamodel changes in this release.

Removal of Data Constant Length Restriction

The internal length restriction on data constants, previously set to 2,000 characters, has been removed. The length is now limited only by SQL Server’s nvarchar(max) limit.

Colour Editor Binding Restriction

It was previously possible to bind the colour editor to a field of any type. This has been updated, and the colour editor is now restricted to fields of the integer type.

Action Button Behaviour Improvement

The requirement for a double user input to invoke action buttons has been removed in cases where no changes were made to other fields, except the one in focus before the action was triggered.

Browser Suggestions Disabled

All Origam UI input controls now have browser suggestions for previously filled values disabled.

Improved Error Messages from the GetMenuId Endpoint

In situations where there was an error in the model that resulted in no valid result from the GetMenuId endpoint, the application displayed an internal error. It now shows a clear error message describing the problem:
No MenuId was returned from GetMenuId for LookupId: {LookupId}, ReferenceId: {ReferenceId}.


This patch resolves an issue related to work queue notification configuration. Calling GetNotificationContacts() now functions correctly without errors. More details can be found here.