Sequential Workflow Action

This UI action will execute a predefined sequential workflow.



ActionType Description
OpenForm Opens a new UI for the the workflow. It’s used when the workflow is going to have at least one UI step.
Workflow Runs a workflow without starting any GUI. It’s possible to merge a return context store back into the screen.


Applicable only if ActionType = OpenForm

RefreshAfterReturn Description
None Reload nothing after the workflow screen/modal dialog is closed.
ReloadActualRecord Reload the current master record of the screen (with all the details). Intended to use only with lazily loaded screens.
RefreshCompleteForm Reload all the data of the screen.
MergeModalDialogChanges Applicable only if IsModalDialog = true. It merges the data from the last modal dialog screen back into the screen where the modal dialog was run from.


Applicable only if ActionType = Workflow

RefreshAfterWorkflow Description
RefreshChangedRecords N/A (Intended for menu action only)
ReloadActualRecord Reload the current master record of the screen (with all the details). Intended for use only with lazily loaded screens.
RefreshCompleteForm Reload all the data of the screen.


Applicable only if the UI Action is inside a modal dialog

CloseType Description
None The action within a modal dialog doesn’t close the modal dialog
CloseAndCommit The action within a modal dialog closes the modal dialog and merges the changed data back (Parent UI action has to have RefreshAfterReturn set to MergeModalDialogChanges).
CloseAndCommitWithErrors CloseAndCommit works only on data without errors (e. g. all mandatory fields need to be filled). This option enables data merge on incomplete data.
CloseAndCancel The action within a modal dialog close the modal dialog.


Applicable only for action type Workflow or OpenForm with IsModalDialog=true. The merge takes place when the workflow finishes. It takes a context store from workflow (marked as IsReturn=true) and merges into the data of original screen. It works similarly with ActionType=OpenForm and Modal dialog. In that case the data (context store) of the last UI step of the modal dialog workflow is merged into original screen. Lets you name the merge contextstores target (original screen) and incoming (output from workflow, modal dialog)

MergeType Description
AppendMergeExisting Keep all current records of target even though they are not present at incoming. Add all new records from incoming to target. Update all the existing target records according the values of incoming.
Ignore Skip merge.
FullMerge Modify target so that at the end it looks exactly like incoming. That means the target records are both added, changed and deleted.
DeleteMatches Delete all records of target where primary keys are present at incoming.


Specifies relation between the action and the data

Mode Description
ActiveRecord Action is related to active record. If there is no record, the action is not available. Active record can be used as an input for the workflow.
MultipleCheckboxes Action is related to the selected records. If there are no records selected, the action is not available. Selected records can be used as an input for the workflow (passed as “.” in parameter mappings).
Always Action is not related to the records. Data context can be used as an output for the workflow but not as an input.