Server error "Operations that change non-concurrent collections must have exclusive access. "

This error message appeared when working on a project:


2021-04-28 15:48:08,590 [7] ERROR Origam.ServerCore.Controller.AbstractController - Operations that change non-concurrent collections must have exclusive access. A concurrent update was performed on this collection and corrupted its state. The collection's state is no longer correct.
System.InvalidOperationException: Operations that change non-concurrent collections must have exclusive access. A concurrent update was performed on this collection and corrupted its state. The collection's state is no longer correct.
   at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.FindEntry(TKey key)
   at Origam.ServerCore.ServerCoreUIService.InitPortal(Int32 maxRequestLength) in D:\a\1\s\Origam.ServerCore\ServerCoreUIService.cs:line 127
   at Origam.ServerCore.Controller.UIServiceController.<InitPortal>b__7_0() in D:\a\1\s\Origam.ServerCore\Controller\UIServiceController.cs:line 99
   at Origam.ServerCore.Controller.AbstractController.RunWithErrorHandler(Func`1 func) in D:\a\1\s\Origam.ServerCore\Controller\AbstractController.cs:line 86
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Seems the dictionary is not thread safe. Needs locking to be introduced.

Fixed in build 2021.1.1913

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