Show Record Information does not work after first time

I click on Show Record Information on one screen section and it correctly shows up the information.

Then I switch to another section and click there and nothing happens.

I need the record information to be updated whenever

  1. I click on the menu item on any screen section in any opened screen
  2. I change an active record on the last selected screen section (e.g. when browsing through records of the same type the information should update on record change)

@tvavrda I cannot reproduce the issue in master. Demo project Master-Detail screen. Can you? Provide more information please.

I don’t understand the point 1. “I click on the menu item on any screen section in any opened screen” There are no menu items on screen sections. What do you mean?

The problem appears on lazy loaded screens. So it can be reproduced on “Master-Detail Lazy Loaded” screen in the demo project.