UpdateObject is requested twice when entering a value into a new record

I was trying to enter a value to a column and pressed tab twice in order to get to the next of the next field

I was expecting the app calls UpdateObject only once

Instead app called UpdateObject twice

How to replicate:

  1. checkout GitHub - origam/origam at enhance-testmodel-to-replicate-several-problems-2022-4
  2. Open architect and let the deployment scripts run
  3. Open Menu > Widgets > Test data creation / deletion > Wide Table - fill - this will insert about 2.5k of records (if not done already)
  4. Open a menu item Menu > Widgets > Wide Table >Wide table with details.
  5. Having the grid (not the detail view) active, click on plus icon to add a record,
  6. Click to memo1 column and enter any value
  7. click tab twice, not extremly fast, but with a dalay shorter than 400ms (actual time of UpdateObject call takes). The error is replicated, you should see calling UpdateObject twice

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