Upgrade to latest Stable .net core error

I got an error after upgrading from 2021.2.0.2369(master) to 2022.1.0.2410(stable). It is probably necessary to upgrade .net core runtime. Which version should I use? There should by some release notes, that other system parts need to be upgraded as well. My question is, if other instances of 2021.2.0.xxx will be affected, when I upgrade .net core runtime (backward compatibility).


Yes , version 2369 runs on dotnet 5.0 and 2410 runs on dotnet 6.0.
All stable versions 2022.1 are running on dotnet 6.0 .

Is .net 6.0 backward compatible with version 2369? I need to run both version on one server.

Yes, you can use .net 5 and 6 apps side by side.

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