User Interface Task

This task shows the user a screen. The workflow stops executing and waits until the user finishes interacting with the screen. The data loaded to the screen is based on the OutputContextStore value. The whole context is passed to the screen and displayed to the user. After the user finishes the interaction (by pressing the Next button), the data are merged back into the output context. Since FullMerge is selected by default, the output context will be updated so it is equal to the screen’s data when finished.


Screen Select the screen you want to display to the user. The data structure of the screen must be equal to the data structure of the OutputContextStore.
RefreshDataStructure Together with IsFinalForm=true and optionally IsRefreshSuppressedBeforeFirstSave when defined, it renders a standard refresh button (rounded arrow) next to the save button. When a user clicks the refresh button, the RefreshDataStructure gets loaded by RefreshMethod and RefreshSortSet shown on the UI.
RefreshMethod Together with RefreshDataStructure and RefreshSortSet defines how to load the data when a user clicks on the refresh button (rounded arrow). If not defined, all unfiltered RefreshDataStructure data gets loaded.
RefreshSortSet Together with RefreshDataStructure and RefreshMethod define how to load the data when a user clicks on the refresh button (rounded arrow). If not defined, RefreshDataStructure data getsh loaded unsorted.
RefreshParameters Refresh parameters are a read-only collection of parameters needed for refreshing the functionality of the screen. Parameters can be added to the collection by adding child references (e.g. ContextStore reference) named as parameters required for the filter set defined by the RefreshMethod field.