Using Filter for ComboBox data field - could the values be sorted by the definition of the lookup?

I was trying to …

I configured sorting in the lookup of the field

I was expecting …

I expect that the sort of the items would be applied also to the combobox items

Instead I’ve got …

The list is not sorted. Is there a way how to sort the filter possible values by the lookup definition?

Can you show the lookup definition?

Please provide a screenshot of the lookup definition. Thanks!

Yes, sure. Sorry for late reply but I have a space for it now:


Data structure:


Filter result:


The page is “lazy loading”:


@jsusen is it possible that we do not use the ListSortSet when we retrieve dropdown content for a filter?

We do not use the ListSortSet when retrieving the filter values. The filter values should be always sorted with ascending order which does not happen now and a fix will follow. If we want to sort the values with descending order, we will have to add a parameter somewhere (sort ASC/DESC). Using the ListSortSet seems to be too complicated here.

@david.pochobradsky Is the solution satisfactory?

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