Work queue entry creation and removal can be configured for work queues, that are connected to a database entity. Work queues events cannot be used on queue classes based on virtual entities as no such events occur on them (no data are ever saved). A work queue is connected to a database entity when fields Entity, EntityStructure and EntityStructurePrimaryKeyMethod are filled in it’s respective work queue class. The configuration is located in work queues system menu as two separate tabs Creation and Removal.
Create Event / Removal Event
A record is added or removed to/from a work queue when a connected database entity record has been created and Condition XPath yields true (if defined)
A record is added or removed to/from a work queue when a connected database entity record is to be deleted and Condition XPath yields true (if defined)
A record is added or removed to/from a work queue when a connected database entity record has been updated (any column) and Condition XPath yields true (if defined)
Value Updated
A record is added or removed to/from a work queue when a connected database entity record has been created or updated (in any field) and Condition XPath yields true (if defined) . So, simply said, it’s a combination of Record Created and Record Updated
A record is added or removed to/from a work queue when a connected database entity record’s FieldName has entered it’s value defined in NewValue and Condition XPath (if defined) yields true. Beware, FieldName has to be a state column - there has to be a State Machine based on that column.
A record is added or removed to/from a work queue when a connected database entity record’s FieldName has changed it’s value from OldValue into any value and Condition XPath (if defined) yields true. Beware, FieldName has to be a state column - there has to be a State Machine based on that column.
A record is added or removed to/from a work queue when a connected database entity record’s FieldName has changed it’s value from OldValue into NewValue and Condition XPath (if defined) yields true. Beware, FieldName has to be a state column - there has to be a State Machine based on that column.
State/Value Change
Name of an entity field which is check for status changes. It is applicable only for create/removal event State Entry, State Exitand State Transition. The entity field has to be a state column. It means there has to be a state machine field defined based on that column.
Value of a status column which is used in StateTransition and State Exit events. Value is typically a GUID – the value actually contained in the table. When a Reverse Lookup is defined in the column’s state machine, you can actually use the display value returned by that lookup based on the source Id (human readable instead of a GUID).
Value of a status column which is used in StateTransition and State Exit events. Value is typically a GUID – the value actually contained in the table. When a Reverse Lookup is defined in the column’s state machine, you can actually use the display value returned by that lookup based on the source Id (human readable instead of a GUID).
Condition (XPath)
An XPath expression to evaluate over the work queue row. Evaluation is triggered from /ROOT/WorkQueueEntry
navigator position. It is evaluated either on a newly created work queue entry. If the expression yields false, no record is created. Or it is evaluated over existing work queue entry (in case of removing). It is applicable to all event types.