Workflow failure while storing data

No matter what data size I generate when I reach store step in WF of method StoreData, I always get Timeout expired error message bellow.

Hlášení průvodce 'Shop_import_GenerateProjectTask'
Timeout expired.  The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.
The statement has been terminated.
Timeout expired.  The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.
The statement has been terminated.
Timeout expired.  The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.
The statement has been terminated.
 Stack trace
   at CZ.Advantages.Asap.DA.Service.AbstractSqlDataService.UpdateData(DataStructureQuery query, IPrincipal userProfile, DataSet dataset, String transactionId)
   at CZ.Advantages.Asap.Workflow.DataServiceAgent.SaveData(Guid dataStructureId, Guid methodId, Guid sortSetId, XmlDataDocument data)
   at CZ.Advantages.Asap.Workflow.DataServiceAgent.Run()
   at CZ.Advantages.Asap.Workflow.Tasks.ServiceMethodCallEngineTask.OnExecute()
   at CZ.Advantages.Asap.Workflow.Tasks.AbstractWorkflowEngineTask.Execute()

There might be a database lock on the table which prevents storing the data.

The best way on how to investigate:

  1. Open your MS SQL Server Management Studio
  2. Connect to the database
  3. Right click on the root tree node (the server name) and select Activity Monitor
  4. There you should see your save query WAITING for another query, which is locking the table.

Depending what the other query is you have to act. Sometimes it is a dead query which you just need to kill. Or it might be a legitimate process.

Thank you for this help. But apparently when I changed datastracture from A to B everything was back working again. I have more findings that I observe with new versions (2015.7.x), so I will gradually report it.

That might be a false positive conclusion since you had to restart the application after changing the model. Which closes all pending connections, releasing the possible lock. But if you can replicate the problem every time using the original datastructure, then it would be interesting to see how it has been modeled.