Building a Custom ORIGAM Image From Source

This guide will walk you through the process of building a custom ORIGAM docker image from source code and running it on your local machine for development or testing purposes. This approach is useful if you want to make changes to the ORIGAM source code, run your own custom version, or debug ORIGAM while it runs in Docker.

If you just want to run an official ORIGAM docker image, please refer to the Running ORIGAM Server in Docker Locally guide.

If you want to make an image from ORIGAM branch 2024.9 or earlier, you will have to setup nginx and add a SSL certificate too. Look at this guide for details.


  • Docker installed on your system
  • Visual Studio (for building the backend)
  • Node.js and Yarn (for building the frontend)
  • Git (for cloning the repository)
  • Basic knowledge of command-line operations


  1. Clone Repository
  2. Build Backend and Frontend
  3. Build the Docker Image
  4. Create Environment File
  5. Run Docker Container

1. Clone Repository

First, clone the ORIGAM repository from GitHub:

git clone

2. Build Backend and Frontend

For the backend:

  1. Open the backend solution origam\backend\Origam.sln in Visual Studio.
  2. Set the solution configuration to Release Server.
  3. Build the solution.

For the frontend:

  1. Open a command prompt and navigate to origam\frontend-html.
  2. Run the following commands:
yarn install
yarn build

3. Build the Docker Image

Now we’ll prepare the files and build the custom Docker image:

  1. Create the directory origam\docker\HTML5.
  2. Copy the contents of origam\backend\Origam.Server\bin\Release\net8.0 to origam\docker\HTML5.
  3. Delete the logs directory from origam\docker\HTML5 to avoid a conflict with Docker.
  4. Create a new directory origam\docker\HTML5\clients\origam.
  5. Copy the contents of origam\frontend-html\dist to origam\docker\HTML5\clients\origam.
  6. Create an empty directory origam\docker\HTML5-SOURCE.
  7. Open a command prompt, navigate to origam\docker, and run:
docker build -t origam_local:1.0 -f Dockerfile.linux .

This creates a custom Docker image named origam_local with version 1.0.

4. Create Environment File

Create a new file named demo.env in your working directory (C:\test\docker) with the following content:

OrigamSettings_SchemaExtensionGuid={main package id}
OrigamSettings_DbHost={ip address of your db}
OrigamSettings_DbUsername={your db user}
OrigamSettings_DbPassword={your db password}
DatabaseName={your db name}

Then replace the placeholders

  • {ip address of your db}: Your database’s IP address. For a local database, use host.docker.internal

  • {your db name}: Name of your new database (preferably your project’s name)

  • {your db user}: Your database username

  • {your db password}: Your database password

  • {main package id}: ID of your project’s main package. I you use the test model, the id is: f17329d6-3143-420a-a2e6-30e431eea51d

Additional configuration

  • Create a new database with the name you specified in {your db name}
  • Adjust the time zone if needed by changing TZ=Europe/Prague

5. Run Docker Container

Now you can run the Docker image with this command (adjust paths as necessary):

docker run --env-file C:\test\docker\demo.env ^
    -it --name {your project name} ^
    -v {path to the model}\model-tests\model:/home/origam/HTML5/data/origam ^
    -p 443:443 ^

Replace the placeholders

  • {your project name}: Your project’s name (no spaces)

  • {path to the model}: Path to the model directory of your project. If you use the test model and you cloned it here for example: C:\Repos\origam the the model path would be C:\Repos\origam\model-tests\model

This command does the following:

  • Uses the environment file we created
  • Names the container “OrigamDemo”
  • Maps port 443 from the container to your host machine
  • Uses the custom ORIGAM server image
  • Creates and starts a new Docker container with that image

Accessing the Application

After running the Docker command, wait for the container to start up. Once it’s ready, you can access the custom ORIGAM application by opening https://localhost in your web browser.

Note: Since we’re using a self-signed certificate, you may see a security warning in your browser. This is expected and you can proceed safely for development purposes.


  • If you encounter build errors, ensure all prerequisites are correctly installed and your development environment is properly set up.
  • Double-check all file paths when copying files and running Docker commands.

This custom image should work exactly the same as the official image, with the only difference being that it uses your custom-built version of ORIGAM.