December 31, 2017, 11:00pm
ORIGAM applications can be easily integrated with other applications either using built-in integration possibilities or by extending using custom-written code.
Origam has a feature, which allows opening HTML pages as tabs inside the Flash UI. We have introduced the possibility of requesting FlashUI via JavaScript to close the opened tab. To invoke …
Sometimes you need to customize the login page of your application by including additional text or graphics. In order to make your custom login page you need to create your own version of Lo…
Custom service adapters allow you to implement your own business logic using a .NET DLL. This will allow you to e.g. connect to external data sources and services or provide calculations tha…
ORIGAM root model packages come with user management tools included. One of the usual tasks your customers will request is to store enhanced information in your user database (e.g. phone num…
You can easily integrate any HTML frontend with your ORIGAM application by using the Web API/Pages model.
More In This Chapter
To populate roles outside from Origam, system provides IsInRole API function.IsInRole API is a handler, so to use it, you need to adjust Startup.cs. Add following code:
Declaration of IsInR…
Origam has a feature, which allows to open lookup tabs through JavaScript. It is possible to open a new tab for lookup through a JavaScript call. This might be used in combination with HTML …
The WebService API is a low-level programming interface used to directly access data objects and sequential workflows in your ORIGAM application.
Your application developer might provide sp…