Sequential Workflows

Workflows allow you to define a sequence of tasks which will make up the functionality of your solution. Workflows can be added to a menu in your user interface or they can be called by other workflows.

There is no imperative programming in ORIGAM. All functionality flows are defined by sequential workflows. Some of the functionality can be also defined by XSLT Transformations.

Tasks can be grouped into blocks for either enclosing them to transactions or for making loops.

Every sequential workflow contains one or more Contexts and one or more Tasks.


Sequential workflows can be invoked by

  • Sequential Workflow Menu Reference
  • Workflow UI Action (toolbar button)
  • Workflow API
  • State Workflow Events
  • SOAP

Child Elements

Context Store Provides storage for data (or message) between the steps in the workflow. Can be also thought of as a complex variable, defined by a data structure.
Block A Block is a step, which contains other steps (tasks, blocks).
Task A Task is a unit of work in the workflow. The sequence of the workflow is made of tasks or blocks. Tasks make use of the data stored in context stores defined for this workflow.