Is there any possibility to define report file name dynamically?

What I want to achieve?

  1. For a single entity Licence I want to print different reports based on Type of licence.
  2. I would like to have just a single button Print licence and print different report (different template).

Current solution

  1. In Origam model, I have multiple Reports for every LicenceType.
  2. I display button to user based on condition whether the file is available for specific licence.


  1. I need to introduce API to print licence.

Design considerations

  • I want to minimize places where the report should be defined.

My idea is to configure Report File Name inside configuration table LicenceType where I would specify for every row which licence should be printed.

but ReportFileName cannot be parameter in syntax {paramName} - that would solve it as I could define report file name in table LicenceType and then fill it in report action button.

Report with workflow method does not work as well because I can just control load of data.

Workflow action has selection ActionType Report but it seems it is not working.

And also ReportService supports Report as ReportService parameter and cannot be filled from Context variable.

Am I missing something? Could I configure report (or action) button to dynamically select report definition based on certain condition?

I got also idea that I might define all reports in single file as separate pages and filter results based on Visibility condition.

But is there way in Origam to generate report dynamically? I believe that the pamatetrized file name would be the easiest solution.

We’re open to extending the Origam functionality. It would mean adding a new method for processing paremeters in ReportFileName to ReportHelper class. Then it should be used in services that are handling reports inheriting from AbstractDataReport namely:

There’s a requirement to make sure that generated path is not out of report folder specified in OrigamSettings.config.

Effort estimation is 1-4 hours.

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perfect, I have already checked it in code. I would appreciate this enhancement.

In which version do you think it could be released?

When do you think it can be delivered?


@washi kind reminder of my questions. Thank you. D.

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