Release Notes 2024.11

The version 2024.11 brings mainly new features and improvements without metamodel changes. There are also minor bugfixes.

New Features and Improvements

Parametrized Report Filenames

We’re bringing possibility to parametrize the filename for selected types of reports - Crystal Reports, PrintIt Reports, Fast Reports and Excel files. This feature provides a new flexibility in solving tasks related to reporting.

The placeholders will be substituted by the values of the referenced paramaters.

New Project Wizard Streamlined

We have streamlined and improved the process of creation of a new project. The improvements consist of removing clutter from the wizard and adjusting docker image (like including self generated SSL certificate), so the local development can start smoothly.

Restrictions on Actions Eased

It wasn’t possible to use actions with multiple checkboxes in other merge type than Ignore on lazily loaded screens. We’ve removed this restriction for actions that are not related to the root/list entity.

Improvements on Processing JSON Input

JSON responses received through HttpService.SendRequest are automatically converted to XML. If the response contained a name with a character incompatible with XML (e. g. $) the conversion failed. We’ve enabled automatic encoding of such characters, so the processing doesn’t fail anymore.

Windows Docker Image

Windows Docker image was reworked. It is now based on Windows Nano Server with .NET 8.0. Functinality wise it is on par with our Linux Docker image including automatic SSL certificate generation for local development.

Fixes and Adjustments

We’ve removed Remember me checkbox from the login screen. Allignment of checkbox labels was fixed. The limit on stored filter size was removed.