Physical Data Order feature - not working

I have defined Entity field of type integer and named it Poisiton. Its AutoIncrement property is set to True. In DataStructure I have default sort set ordered by this field Position.

When in screen on screensection I fill in OrderMember, obviously with Position, I cannot see any user control that allows changing row order as described here.

Can you confirm this is a bug? How to solve this, please?

It works in 2022.2.0.2612. But all the fields that I use as OrderMember are saved with AutoIncrement=False.


AutoIncrement is a different thing – assigned Id by a database. The UI will automatically increment when used as OrderMember.

OK. I have already found that. By AutoIncrement does not generate nothing like “IDENTITY(1,1)” in SQL script. It just shows a higher number in UI and when saving I get error becuase the value is NULL.

If you are creating the database table, it should create such a script. If you turn it on later, you have to do it manually.

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