XML -> JSON on API Data Page improvements

We have to create an interface with a lot of responses in JSON format according to JSON API specification https://jsonapi.org/ . There is new Workflow service XmlJsonConvertService with service method TypedXml2Json which can generate JSON without ROOT and Datastructure Name element. But its use in API Data Page is really complicated. The steps are:

  1. prepare the data in XML (transformation WF step)
  2. use the XmlJsonConvertService (with omit Root and Main element set to true) to convert the XML data to pure JSON - you need a temporary context with DataType String as output
  3. transform that temporary context to Datastructure with SD entity and s1 field
  4. Use the transformation in API Data Page to transform the SD with s1 field to pure JSON with ResultXPath set.

It would be great if the OmitMainElement parameter could be set in API Data Page, so you need only one click, otherwise it is a lot of modeling.