When a new ORIGAM project is created by the user there are two files created automatically in the ORIGAM projects folder in \Docker\ directory - terminal script and configuration (.env) file.
These two files should correspond to the documentation at
Running ORIGAM Server in Docker Locally and be error free. The documentation should also be written in a general way and refference “MyProject”
Now there are the following differences between the documentation and the files generated by the Architect:
ENV file
missing line: gitConfPullOnStart=false
port stated 8080 in line: ExternalDomain_SetOnStart=https://localhost
missing line: TZ=Europe/Prague
missing line: EnableChat=false > this should not be here at all I guess
Docker skript
different order of parameters (which is confusing)
different ports
confusing path
Many thanks in advance for making the user´s life easier!