Parameter Mapping
Using parameter mappings you map the query or URL parameters passed with the HTTP requests to the internal functions:
- Data Structure filter’s parameters (e.g.
) - Workflow’s contexts (e.g.
for passing the whole invoice inside the HTTP request body)
Name | The name of the target internal parameter (e.g. Invoice_parId ) or a context's name in case of a Workflow Page.. |
MappedParameter | The name of the query or URL parameter (e.g. invoiceId in case the url is /api/invoices/{invoiceId} . |
DefaultValue | A data constant that will be passed in case the parameter is not passed. |
IsList | True if the passed data are supposed to be a list of values (e.g. for Array type of parameters). The array parameters can be used as parameters for 'IN' filters for loading a list of entities. Contextores in WF pages have the following shape (provided that value passed to the list parameter is the following: 'a,b': "<ROOT><value>a</value><value>b</value></ROOT>" |
ListSeparator | Since the URL parameters can be pure strings arrays are passed as delimited values. This attribute specifies which delimiter is used (e.g. comma). When processing the parameters and |
DatastructureEntityName | Name of a data structure entity in a mapped data structure. Applicable only for JSON body parameters. If defined, the incoming json body is wrapped by a new object with the given name. That way, the original input JSON object is expected as just data structure entity object itself or a list of data structure entity objects on JSON top level. |