Report Parameter

Report Parameter is a type of a report parameter that uses a mapped value. This value is defined as a parameter mapping in the model element that calls the report, e.g. a workflow step or a UI action.


AllowsNulls Default value is set to True.
DataLength Depending on the data type fill in the desired data length, e.g. 8 for a date or 100 for a string.
DataType Select the data type of the parameter.

SSRS Setup of an optional parameter

Sometimes you have a parameter in your report that is optional - when filled the data should be filtered by this parameter, but when left empty all values should be taken. In the model you define it by setting the parameter attribute AllowsNulls=True. When using SQL Server Reporting Services there are several steps to take.

  • in the Query tab of Dataset Properties define the parameter in the WHERE clause like this
WHERE (refCustomerId = @CustomerId OR @CustomerId IS NULL)
  • in the Parameters tab of Dataset Properties define the parameter value as a function
=IIF(Parameters!CustomerId.Value = "", Nothing, Parameters!CustomerId.Value)
  • in the General tab of Report Parameter Propertions check the Allow blank value ("") option