December 31, 2017, 11:00pm
The Data Model is the base level of the modelling process. It is the foundation of the resulting application. After the Data Model is defined, all the following modelling makes use of it. For example, when designing screens, the editor offers a list of data fields that you can just drag and drop into the form designer.
Data Model Base Elements
Data constants allow you to store different constant values that will be used elsewhere in the system. With data constants, you can also define parameters for your application. Some other mo…
Data structures can be described as entity sets. While entities describe a single dimension (entity/fields), data structures allow the definition of a hierarchical schema.
Data types are the most basic elements in the model. They represent the minimal data storage containers.
Data types are used in the following elements:
Function Parameter
Entity …
The Entity model is the most basic part of the model. It defines data entities which in turn define database tables for storing customer data. Entities contain not only fields but also prede…
Lookups define the way how to fill-in Drop-Down lists and how to translate id’s to names both in the user interface and business logic.
Lookups are the Swiss Army knife of the data model. O…